"We´ll make the airport more competitive and modern"

Mar del Plata Mayor Carlos Arroyo and Transport Minister Guillermo Dietrich made a series of announcements on Monday afternoon in Astor Piazzolla International Airport. Ahead of opening the tender to start the works,the mayor insisted that a “more competitive and modern” airport lay ahead.


The presentation at the airport basically consisted of detailing the five offers received by the national government to start a series off projected works in the terminal within a tender via Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 with a Budget close to 150 million pesos.

After adjudicating the works to one of the competing firms (Technical ambiental SRL, Copacre S.A., Obras y sistemas SRL, Solana SRL and Niro construcciones S.A), the idea is to start work in September to start expanding the pre-embarkment and embarkment zones and improving the baggage withdrawal sector. 

The investment broadly includes an almost total overhaul of the different sectors and a structural modernization. Apart from the extensions, the construction of an embarkment bridge is planned for the circulation of passengers departing or arriving through the new corridor.

“This is fundamental for Mar del Plata and General Pueyrredon district because it means a change of epoch. The world is changing from every viewpoint, including transport, which will be fundamental in the future,” declared the mayor.


In that sense, he underlined the importance of using the airport not only to increase and encourage tourism but also to export the ciy’s products. We have a commercial production which unfortunately is not widely known but which could be sold in European and Asian countries,” he added.

 Dietrich also announced a new tender for a four-year lease of Ruta 226, which forms part of the first contract signed by the national government under the new PPP (Public-Private Partnership) programme.