Martín Eurnekian to head ACI

Airports Council International (ACI) representing 641 members operating 1,593 airports in 176 countries will be headed for the first time by a Latin American, it was announced at its last world meeting. The news of Martín Eurnekian´s future ACI presidency first appeared in HANGAR X. Elected for a two-year term from January 1, 2020 to December 31, the Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 president will be formally designated during the Council’s annual assembly in April, 2019. 
“According to all available projections, global air traffic will continue growing. This will improve connections between countries and regions, not only for transport but also the business world and the social sphere. At the international level the topics for discussion are similar to those we’re installing locally: seeking to improve passenger experience, adopting new technologies and the gap between the projected growth of traffic and the available infrastructure”, pointed out Eurnekian. 
Meanwhile Copa Airlines announced opening a new route between Salta and Panama. 
While air traffic in Latin America and the Caribbean  continues growing, ACI World and its ACI–LAC Latin American and Caribbean chapter appealed to the entire industry to respond to the growth forecast in the demand for services in the region. 
“Infrastructure sets the framework for being able to develop services, to innovate and for passenger experience as a whole. In this aspect, we seek to raise the bar constantly. One of our main strategic objectives is a better experience for our clients. Modernising and improving the airports allows us to provide better service, generating more and better air connections and fulfilling our proposal to create the necessary conditions for developing the aviation business market,” added the President of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000.

During the meeting joint objectives were established for the region to respond to the growing demand for passenger services and infrastructure.